K E L L Y |
Sunday, April 25, 2010
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
~ Dr. Seuss Labels: Quotes
Thursday, April 15, 2010
楊丞琳 - 帶我走
每次我總 一個人走
交叉路口 自己生活 這次你卻說帶我走 某個角落 就你和我 像土壤抓緊花的迷惑 像天空纏綿雨的洶湧 在你的身後 計算的步伐 每個背影 每個場景 都有發過的夢 帶我走 到遙遠的以後 帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞 帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫 我不怕 帶我走 每次我總獨自遠走 抱著緘默 不皺眉頭 這次你卻說一起走 彼此溫柔 從此以後 像土壤抓緊花的迷惑 像天空纏綿雨的洶湧 在你的身後 計算的步伐 每個背影 每個場景 都有發過的夢 帶我走 到遙遠的以後 帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞 帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫 我不怕 帶我走 白馬溜過 漆黑盡頭 潮汐襲來 浪花轉動 凝在海岸 結成了墨 薔薇朝向 草原氣球 郵差傳來 一地彩虹 刻在心中 拍打著脈搏 帶我走 到遙遠的以後 帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞 帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫 我不怕 帶我走 帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫 帶我走 Labels: Random Stuff
Monday, April 12, 2010
Like I give a damn!
... please know who you are messing with. All the old knives that have rusted in my back, I drive into yours. I enjoy revenge - they are sweet. But its the weak pleasure of people with little and narrow minds, and I realise that life will get even with people like you, So don't dirty my hands and kill unnecessary brain cells over unworthy people like you.
Phlog [2]
New York New York for Dinner Praying for the food to come faster. A hungry man is a grouchy man Still buay song. Forever buay song one. Labels: Phlog
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
phlog (photo-log)
Shall let the pictures do most of the talking.
my virgin DSLR experience. =) Pinky! My love. HUH?! Mashiro! ps: Starfishes have no brains. Some people are a starfish. Labels: Phlog |